Thursday, August 18, 2005

You're kidding, right?

While watching ESPN the other night, I heard this
story and was actually bothered by it. Most of y'all know that I was a college mascot for 2 years and would think that I would support a Mascot Hall of Fame. My biggest problem with the idea is that while the mascot never really changes, the man inside the mascot does. I've been told way to many times that people could tell who the mascot was based on the performance of who was inside. (Sometimes there were costume problems, like with tall, stupid Mr. Commodore.) I still don't believe that guy tried to give me a tip on how to mascot. It's nice to be recognized and all, but wouldn't every mascot eventually make it into the mascot hall of fame? I mean, how many NEW mascots come out every year? seriously now.


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