Sunday, September 04, 2005

Thank You to the global community

I must admit, I have been very suprised by the offers to help contribute to the disaster relief by the international community. I think most suprisingly are the offers from Cuba and Venezuela, especially with Pat Robertson's comments over the last week. I really think he should step forward and publically thank the Venezuelan president for his generous offer. It's too bad that I think our government is going to be too proud to say "no thanks" to everyone who has offered help, because the people on the gulf coast could really use some extra aid right now.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

May he Rest in Peace

CNN hasn't posted a story yet, and I am sure his death will be highly overshadowed by the events in Louisiana, but Chief Justice William Rehnquist passed away today in his home. Rehnquist had been suffering from cancer for some time. This means we are going to have an even stronger debate on Bush's appointees to the supreme court. The Senate confirmation hearings for Sandra Day O'Conner's replacement starts on Tuesday.