Saturday, July 30, 2005

Going to camp

Well, it's the beginning of August, and that means time again for Camp Periwinkle. The link is over there on the right, please go read about camp, and you can look for pictures of me during the week.

As I am leaving in 2 hours and haven't packed yet, I need to keep this short. I purchased a vehicle last night, settled on the 2005 Hyundai Elantra GT, black with a sunroof. I love it, and it's going to cost me a pretty penny, but I plan on having it last me through med school and residency, so it's worth it. AND I have air conditioning!!!!

Be back in a week.

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Three rings to bind them and one post to comment on them

Well, I have been back in Houston for a little under a week, and it is time to re-cap on my trip to Alabama for the wedding of Emma and Steve Nelson. The wedding was phenomenal, the reception was even better. If we were playing "Never have I ever..." I would lose a finger now on "...been to a wedding where I wore flip-flops" and "... been to a wedding reception where people were swimming in the lake and pulling beer out of the back of a pick-up truck." I got to hang out with most of my college friends, party a little too much, and see a great couple get hitched in holy matrimony.

During my week long stay, I was lucky enough to have two great hosts for a week. Matt and Steph were nice enough to put me up (and put up with me) for the week. If you haven't heard by now, well then here's the news: Matt and Stephanie were engaged the Friday evening before Steve and Emma's wedding. The rock is bigger than Alcatraz. If you haven't heard the story yet on how Matt almost didn't get the ring on time, you should talk to him. All I can say is that they were meant to be. If not, there wouldn't have been a ring. Stay tuned for Wedding verson 2006.

PS. I debated on how many rings to say bound them. I decided to settle on three for the two wedding rings and the one engagement ring. Just if you wanted to know how I was doing my math...

Saturday, July 23, 2005

India is right...

I have been absolutely horrid at keeping this blog up recently, but I do have some excuses. I guess namely, I was in Alabama for a week, then I was distracted by Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince and my niece and nephew, whom I have babysat three days in a row now.

I am actually heading out right now to look at new vehicles, yesterday I drove the new Volkswagon Jetta and the Hyundai Elantra. While the Elantra is much more in my price range, the Jetta was really nice. Alot of cool bells and whistles.

Today I am going to look at Toyota (the Camry and Corolla) and Honda (Civic). Any suggestions regarding these cars? Has anyone driven these and had good/bad experiences?

Stay tuned, I will in the future reflect on Emma's wedding, Matt and Steph, Harry Potter, and Jury Duty.

*** UPDATE***
Just in case you are wondering, the current mileage on the 95 Ford Taurus POS is currently 171,556.2 The competition is still open on when the original transmission will die. You can either submit your guess here or to me via AOL instant messenger. Frosty beverage to the person who guesses the closest without going over. The car is going to my sister when I purchase a new one, so it will be possible to determine a winner.