Eenie Meme Mimmy Moe
Over the weekend, India found the time to "meme" me. As to what is meant by Meme, I dont exactly know, but from context clues I have decided its a blog-chain letter of sorts. You know those annoying e-mails that have you fill out your favorite color and movie and all that crap and then forward it on to 200 friends and then your magical wish about a crush will come true. Except this is shorter, themed, no magical wish and you pass it on only to three people. In India's wisdom, she meme'd me in a challenging sort of way, knowing that if someone says "Michael you cannot...." I then go and at least try. So here goes:
You're stuck inside Fahrenheit 451, which book do you want to be?
No one knows what the hell this means. Jay and India said they were following precedent by going with books that they hated, and I'm okay with that too. At this juncture, any of my textbooks from this past year would be wonderful. I am currently enjoying my last summer from school and/or work.
Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character?
Not really, if we're talking about fictional characters that live in books. Now Disney characters in movies when I was younger? Heck yeah I did..
The last book you bought is:
Not counting the endless amount of textbooks I have purchased, this would have to be Stiff by Mary Roach. It is "an oddly compelling, often hilarious exploration of the strange lives of our bodies postmortem." In other words, she dives into the mysterious lives of cadavers, and what happens to bodies after they are donated to science. I saw this book over Christmas and had to get it, as I had just finished my gross anatomy class. Joel, since I know you are really big into organ donation and giving blood, (as am I, I just never will be allowed to donate) you are more than welcome to borrow the book if you'd like. I can bring it in July.
The last book you read is:
As the new Harry Potter book, Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince, (I believe) is coming out this summer, I am re-reading the first five books in the series. I have just finished Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone and have progressed onto Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.
What are you currently reading?
See Above.
Five books you would take to a deserted island:
1. Jurassic Park - Possibly my favorite book of all times. The science behind it is just fascinating, and I am a nerd like that.Who are you going to pass this stick to (3 persons), and why? (1) Adam/Leslie as we now know that they have a blog. I am not sure if they read this or not though.... (2)Anne because I know that she is done with law school for the year and I'd like to see what she has been reading (and I know that she has visited here) And (3)Alan as I'd be curious as to what he is currently reading. Note: Joel was spared as he has recently been discussing his summer reading list.
2. Chicken Soup for the Survivoring Soul - So that I might keep those stories close to my heart
3. The Hobbit - Tolkein is just an absolute genius!
4. The Lord of the Rings Trilogy - While some will argue that this is really three books (and rightfully so) and the argument can also be made that they are six books, they together form one elaborate and imaginatively amazing story
5. There is a Monster at the End of this Book - My absolute favorite book as a child, this story features Grover trying to encourage the reader to not continue to read the book as he has heard that there is a monster at the end of the book. (Hence the title.) Of course, the only monster at the end of the book, is sweet, cuddly Grover.